Preparation is the key to success, a truth magnified for a single woman navigating life's unpredictable terrain. Having weathered surgeries, the tumult of the pandemic, a week long hurricane power outage, heartburn's fiery grip, post-coitus panic, the monthly rollercoaster of PMS, unexpected headaches, the sneezy assault of allergies, and the bone-deep weariness of the flu, I've learned firsthand that the medicine cabinet must house more than mere q-tips and cotton balls. In an era preceding the convenience of apps, one had to anticipate the most unwelcome emergencies, knowing that when sickness strikes, time waits for no one. According to the CDC, 44% of Americans don't have first aid kits, and 48% don't have emergency supplies. I've cultivated a readiness that knows no bounds, adamant never to be caught unprepared in the face of illness, as a lone warrior in the battle for self-preservation and recovery. Herein lie 25 indispensable items, the guardians of my well-being and solace, essential for every solo dweller's arsenal.

According to the CDC, 44% of Americans don't have first aid kits, and 48% don't have emergency supplies.

First among equals is the comprehensive first aid kit, a treasure trove of bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, and pain relievers, ready to mend both body and spirit. A trusty thermometer stands sentinel, monitoring the body's temperature for the stealthy advance of fever. Stockpiles of medications, from painkillers to antacids, allergy relief to prescribed pharmaceuticals, stand ready to assuage myriad maladies. Electrolyte drinks and hydrating solutions stand poised to combat dehydration's stealthy encroachment. Tissues, hand sanitizer, and surgical masks form a trifecta of defense against the invisible assailants of airborne illness. Cough drops and lozenges soothe throats raw from the ravages of coughing fits. Hot water bottles and heating pads offer warmth and respite to weary muscles and cramping abdomens. Cold packs stand at the ready, offering relief from inflammation and pain.

Antidiarrheal medications and anti-nausea remedies offer respite from the stormy seas of gastrointestinal distress. Eye drops and antibiotic ointments provide succor to dry, irritated eyes and minor wounds. Digital health monitors, from blood pressure cuffs to pulse oximeters, offer reassurance and insight into the body's inner workings. Laxatives offer relief from the grip of constipation's silent tyranny. Earplugs usher in silence and uninterrupted slumber, while sleep aids beckon the weary to the shores of tranquil rest. Emergency contact lists, flashlights, and multi-tools stand as sentinels against the encroaching darkness of uncertainty, providing both practical assistance and peace of mind. Notebooks and pens capture the ebb and flow of symptoms, medications, and vital information, ensuring clarity and coherence in times of distress.

Emergency cash, some non-perishable snacks and bottled water also offer sustenance and solace in the face of isolation or disaster. Armed with these 25 essential companions, I stride forth into the uncharted territory of solo living, fortified against the capricious whims of fate.

In preparation lies power, in readiness lies resilience, and in foresight lies triumph. This may seem dramatic but it’s there when you need it and you will have the foundation of surviving a crisis great or small.


  1. First Aid Kit: Including bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, and pain relievers.

  2. Thermometer: To monitor your temperature for fever.

  3. Medications: Stock up on essentials like pain relievers, antacids, allergy medication, and any prescribed medications you may need.

  4. Sexual Wellness: Condoms, PlanB, Vulva Ointments, Vulva Wipes, AZO UTI supplements

  5. Vaginal Health: Preferred Yeast Infection Treatment

  6. Banadges: Band-Aids, Gauze and Coban Wrap

  7. Electrolyte Drinks: Such as sports drinks or electrolyte packets for rehydration.

  8. Tissues: For runny noses, coughs, and general hygiene.

  9. Cough Drops or Lozenges: For sore throats and cough relief.

  10. Hot Water Bottle or Heating Pad: For muscle aches, cramps, or comforting warmth.

  11. Cold Pack: To reduce swelling or relieve pain.

  12. Anti-diarrheal Medication: For gastrointestinal issues.

  13. Anti-nausea Medication: To combat nausea and vomiting.

  14. Surgical Masks: For protection against airborne illnesses.

  15. Plastic Gloves: For protection when handling infectious materials and personal custodial needs.

  16. Eye Drops: For dry or irritated eyes.

  17. Antibiotic Ointment: For minor cuts and scrapes.

  18. Digital Health Monitoring Devices: Such as a blood pressure monitor or pulse oximeter if needed.

  19. Laxatives/Stool Softener: For constipation relief.

  20. Ear Plugs: For quiet and uninterrupted sleep.

  21. Sleep Aid: Whether it's herbal supplements or over-the-counter sleep aids for better rest.

  22. Flashlight (and batteries): For power outages or emergencies.

  23. Scissors: For every imaginable reason

  24. Emergency Cash: In case you need to buy essentials during a power outage or emergency situation.

  25. Emergency Food and Water: Non-perishable food items and bottled water to sustain you in case of isolation or emergency situations.


