As the New Year unfolds, many find themselves swept up in the whirlwind of resolutions, vision boards, and fitness goals. Yet, amidst this flurry of self-improvement, there's a universal yearning that often takes center stage: the pursuit of love. In a world that can sometimes feel shrouded in darkness, love emerges from the shadows, inspiring and motivating us to reach beyond ourselves.
There's a certain magic in those who prioritize their relationships above all else. We might call them selfless, perhaps even a touch crazy, but their dedication begs the question: Without love, who are we really? It's crucial to remember, however, that love isn't confined to the realm of passionate romance. While the "can't live without you" kind of love is undeniably intoxicating, it's also rare and elusive. As we navigate the search for that all-consuming love, let's not overlook the myriad forms of affection already gracing our lives. Consider your local bodega owner, who's witnessed you in all states – sick, hungover, or having a stellar hair day – and still greets you with a warm smile as you chat with your mom while grabbing your morning coffee. Think of that co-worker who seems to read your mind, deciphering your non-verbal cues, making those 40-hour workweeks not just bearable, but enjoyable. And let's not forget your best friend, your go-to confidant for the best news, the worst news, and everything in between.
Don't forsake the various versions of love you already possess for an idealized notion of romance.
It's time we celebrate, even romanticize, these everyday acts of kindness. These are the loves that are real, tangible, and while they may lack the complication (or enhancement) of hot sex, they are no less significant. Romantic love isn't the be-all and end-all of success; rather, it's the cherry on top of the sweet life you've crafted for yourself.
Don't forsake the various versions of love you already possess for an idealized notion of romance. While romantic love is undeniably beautiful and warm, and something we all desire, there's beauty in romancing your friendships too. Revel in the freedom, nuance, and simplicity these relationships offer. Host a pasta party, take a class together, enjoy a leisurely phone call on wash day, or get dolled up with your sister, bestie, or fellow single friend for a night at the ballet.
Remember, romance isn't exclusive to couples. It's for anyone who makes a moment feel special. As we embrace this new year, let's expand our definition of love and romance. Nurture all the relationships that bring joy and meaning to your life. After all, these connections are the true measure of a life well-lived, with or without a significant other.
In celebrating these diverse forms of love, we not only enrich our lives but also build a foundation of self-confidence and self-worth. This, in turn, prepares us for deeper, more fulfilling romantic relationships when they do come along. So, as you pursue your goals this year, don't forget to romance your life in all its facets. The love you seek might just be hiding in plain sight, waiting for you to recognize and cherish it.