SP1NSTER™ Mayowa Nicholas, TWA editorial

Solo travel is on the rise and women are dominating the solo travel domain. Whether the single ladies are seeking a rest, reset, more "me-time," or new experiences, the solo travel market is booming and it will continue to expand as more single women settle into the idea of exploring alone.

Travel companies dedicated to woman-only customers have hugely increased by 230% over the past few years.. The search volume for the term “female solo travel” across all search engines has increased by 62% over the past three years and the words “‘Solo female travel” returns more than 45 million results on Google. Single women, tend to prioritize travel and vacations as a significant expenditure. They often value experiences and explore opportunities to travel and enjoy new destinations. According to a study by the Travel Industry Association, single women are more likely to take solo vacations indicating single women may spend more on flights, accommodation, dining, activities, and other travel-related expenses for solo trips that make them feel lavish, comfortable and safe.

“Solo female travel” returns more than 45 million results on Google.

The female travel market has increased by 88% in the last few years demonstrating a massive cultural shift as there has been an increasing desire for females to discover the world alone. Data reveals that women traveling alone has become more common as travel agents noted that 59% of their clients are traveling more by themselves now than 10 years ago. 32 million single American women went traveling at least once over the past year and 1 in 3 traveled 5 times or more.

The greatest increase in solo travel in 2022 came from women aged 65 and older going from 4% in 2019 to 18% in 2022. Who are these fascinating women and where are they going? 46% are ages 25-39. 81% of solo female travelers are over 45 years old. The greatest increase in solo travel in 2022 came from women aged 65 and older. Women over 50 are not sedentary, these ladies are adventurous, not behind the industry, but ahead of it. These women challenge convention, follow their own path not waiting for a travel companion but buying the ticket and taking off!

SP1NSTER™ , 80-85% of travel decisions are made by women.  72% of solo travel decisions are made by women.

67% of solo travelers are women

Women, in general, tend to focus on safety and security when planning vacations. This might lead them to allocate a portion of their budget towards safer accommodations, travel insurance, and organized tours. Single female travel statistics demonstrate traveling alone offers the opportunity to explore new places whilst following their own schedule and ensuing specific interests. 54% of solo female travelers polled recommend Europe as the best destination for their first solo trip. The data also shows that women love to visit different places as it gives them a chance to celebrate, reflect, learn, escape and test boundaries.

72% of American women like to take trips solo.

Investing in the preferences and needs of solo women travelers goes beyond social responsibility – it makes sound business sense. By acknowledging and adapting to the unique demands of this demographic, the travel and hospitality industries stand to gain a considerable share of the market. This includes allocating resources for safer accommodations, offering specialized travel insurance packages, and organizing tours that cater specifically to the interests and safety concerns of solo female adventurers.

For women, solo travel is more than just a journey; it's an opportunity for self-discovery, celebration, reflection, learning, and pushing boundaries. Recognizing and celebrating these aspects can contribute to creating travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary. From wellness retreats to cultural immersions, providing diverse and enriching experiences can establish a brand as a supporter of female empowerment through travel.

Investing in the solo women travel trend is not just about meeting a growing demand; it's about shaping an inclusive and empowering future for the travel and hospitality industries. By understanding the unique needs, preferences, and motivations of solo female travelers, businesses can create safer, more enjoyable, and economically rewarding travel experiences. Embracing this trend is not only a smart business move but also a step towards fostering a travel landscape that celebrates diversity, independence, and empowerment.


